Friday, August 31, 2012

First Week of College.

Finally, the first week of college is done. I've been to all my classes, met all my teachers, and got a feel for what the semester is going to be like... and I must say I am actually very excited. The class I am most excited about is Blogging. I know how cool is that, that I'm taking a class about blogging. I'm also excited about my Textiles class because it's all about clothes and fabrics.
This is my second year of college, and I'm studying Fashion Merchandising and Management. Which means, I have already been through my first year and all the nerves of starting at a new school. But besides the nerves of leaving home and growing up my biggest worry was how am I going to pack up my entire wardrobe!? And I know some of you are thinking the same thing. Do not worry my young fashion fans, I have put together some tips and tricks of what to bring and how to fit it all.
1. DO NOT BRING EVERYTHING!.. I made this mistake, and it truly sucked having to bring everything back home over winter and summer break, although by spring semester I was a little wiser as to pack less. Things you will not need to bring before you go home for either Homecoming or Thanksgiving or sooner is some cases: boots, any winter jackets, gloves, thick scarves, most of your sweatshirt/sweater collection, and if you have a wardrobe like mine you won't even need half your cool weather collection and your jeans collection. 
2. When you go home for breaks pack stuff that you aren't wearing anymore... If you go home over Thanksgiving chances are you won't be needing sandals or shorts anymore unless you live in a very warm climate.
3. Use Command hooks... I used those hooks to hang everything from purses to belts to necklaces, and anything else I could hang in my closet because let's face it dorm rooms are pretty small and don't have a lot of storage space. I even hung numerous command hooks on the wall in my room and used my necklaces as decorations.
4. Buy extra hangers and underwear... somewhere, somehow they just seem to disappear.
5. Under your bed is a great storage place... for just about anything. You can buy plastic tubs of whatever size to fit whatever you want. You could put all your basic T's under there, all your jeans under there, some shoes under there, your socks, or literally anything else that just doesn't fit right in your closet or dorm. Plus at Target they have these great little things you can use to make your bed taller in order to fit more UNDER YOUR BED.
6. Be creative and have fun... with your clothes as well as being away from home and making new friends. College is all about finding who you are and what you want to do for the rest of your life, and expressing yourself. So do it!
I hope you all have a wonderful year back to school, whether it's college or high school.

And let me know how it's going.
Thanks for visiting,
Hope to see you soon.

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