Monday, October 3, 2011

October Trends...

I learned this organization of trends from a youtube/blogger called Sammy Davis Vintage and she organizes them by Clothing, Material, Pattern, Color.

1. Bows- Either around your neck with a sheer scarf or in your hair with a headband bows are fabulous. Another way to wear them is around the collar of a shirt to go with the mens wear trend and some shirts even come with them built in for you to tie. A more subtle way to wear a bow tie is around your purse straps.

2. Structured Bags- For day time try carrying the 2 strap (one long, one short) structured bag and for night try a mini bag or clutch.

3. Skirt- there are a few ways to wear skirts this month either go long with a maxi skirt, go short with a circle skirt, or go just a little below the knee for a very sophicated look.

4. High Waisted Pants- This trend is the one I'm most excited about. I got a pair of high waisted pants from Goodwill that I'm in the process of taking in just a smidge, but I'm not really sure how to style them yet. I will probably keep the top simple and pair it with some killer high heels.

5. Fur- Now I'm not a big fan of buying real fur, but I found the most fab fur vest at Goodwill and it was real so I was debating getting it, but a lady also shopping said I must because it was so cute and I literally don't have any other fur in my closet except for a little scarf.

6. Leather- I don't have leather except for jackets, but I'm on the hunt for a pair of leather pants. I think they are super cute and trendy this month and will last you all through the winter. If your not into leather pants try a leather skirt I would suggest a little longer than normal.

7. Snakeskin- An easy way to wear this trend is on your feet, either in flats or boots. I found a fab snakeskin purse and shirt at Goodwill that I can't wait to carry. If your really daring I've even seen snakeskin pants.

8. Bright Yellow- Either use a pop of this color is your shoes or cute hand bag or go all out in a bright yellow dress, pants, or shirt. It looks good paired with more neutral colors or go bold and pair it with bright blue and orange for this month.

9. Red- I love it. Its such a romantic color and its been in style for awhile now. Again you can wear it any where from your shoes to your lip stick. Now that falls here you should try deeper tones of red, but don't be afraid to try bright pops of red too.

10. Poka Dots- Marc Jacobs did most of his outfit in head to toe dots. He put them on his jackets, shirts, skirts, and tights. I think you could find some really cool vintage poka dots at thrift store for a fraction of his price.

11. Plaid- I'm not a huge fan of plaid, but it is really popular this season so I'm going to try it, but I'm not sure how or with what piece of clothing. I think that plaid in skirts looks like a school girl and in a flannel looks like a country lover and I am neither. So we'll see about this trend.

12. Cheetah Print- This print is always in style no matter what. It's almost becoming a neutral. This month though I'm noticing it alot on jeans and its really cute. I might have to splurge on a good pair; it might be too trendy for a thrift store.

Visit back this month to check out how I style these trends.
You don't need to go out and buy all new clothes every month or season
most of these clothes were already in my closet or I go them at Goodwill for a inexpensive price


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