Friday, August 31, 2012

First Week of College.

Finally, the first week of college is done. I've been to all my classes, met all my teachers, and got a feel for what the semester is going to be like... and I must say I am actually very excited. The class I am most excited about is Blogging. I know how cool is that, that I'm taking a class about blogging. I'm also excited about my Textiles class because it's all about clothes and fabrics.
This is my second year of college, and I'm studying Fashion Merchandising and Management. Which means, I have already been through my first year and all the nerves of starting at a new school. But besides the nerves of leaving home and growing up my biggest worry was how am I going to pack up my entire wardrobe!? And I know some of you are thinking the same thing. Do not worry my young fashion fans, I have put together some tips and tricks of what to bring and how to fit it all.
1. DO NOT BRING EVERYTHING!.. I made this mistake, and it truly sucked having to bring everything back home over winter and summer break, although by spring semester I was a little wiser as to pack less. Things you will not need to bring before you go home for either Homecoming or Thanksgiving or sooner is some cases: boots, any winter jackets, gloves, thick scarves, most of your sweatshirt/sweater collection, and if you have a wardrobe like mine you won't even need half your cool weather collection and your jeans collection. 
2. When you go home for breaks pack stuff that you aren't wearing anymore... If you go home over Thanksgiving chances are you won't be needing sandals or shorts anymore unless you live in a very warm climate.
3. Use Command hooks... I used those hooks to hang everything from purses to belts to necklaces, and anything else I could hang in my closet because let's face it dorm rooms are pretty small and don't have a lot of storage space. I even hung numerous command hooks on the wall in my room and used my necklaces as decorations.
4. Buy extra hangers and underwear... somewhere, somehow they just seem to disappear.
5. Under your bed is a great storage place... for just about anything. You can buy plastic tubs of whatever size to fit whatever you want. You could put all your basic T's under there, all your jeans under there, some shoes under there, your socks, or literally anything else that just doesn't fit right in your closet or dorm. Plus at Target they have these great little things you can use to make your bed taller in order to fit more UNDER YOUR BED.
6. Be creative and have fun... with your clothes as well as being away from home and making new friends. College is all about finding who you are and what you want to do for the rest of your life, and expressing yourself. So do it!
I hope you all have a wonderful year back to school, whether it's college or high school.

And let me know how it's going.
Thanks for visiting,
Hope to see you soon.

Monday, August 27, 2012

First day back at school outfit.

Hello again. Today was my first day back to school. I only had one class so it was a pretty easy day. Tomorrow I have two classes one at 10 and again at 1. I have Consumer Behavior first then a French class, and I'm super pumped about both classes. Maybe by the end of the year I'll be able to write my posts in French for you. I'm studying French in hope of someday going to Paris for fashion. Guys, how cool would it be to live in Paris?
On to the outfit. Since I only had one class I didn't dress super fancy. I wanted to be comfy but still cute and stylish. My advice for wanting to be stylish, yet comfortable is wearing one piece of clothing that is a little different than normal. For example the tank I wore today isn't your typical tank top. It has a different fit to it, and some interesting details that add the style for you.
First, see how the neckline is cut a little different. This is also a higher neckline, which I know some of you still in high school have to worry about.
Then I just paired it with some high-waisted shorts which are trendy right now, and some comfy, but again interesting shoes.
Please ignore my weirdly painted toe nail polish. I'm in need of a pedicure.
The back two little buttons on this shirt are so cute. I love them.
I am obsessed with Levi's right now. These were thrifted shorts which I cut shorted because they were a smidgen too long.
Outfit Details
Top: Kohl's
Shorts: Goodwill $3.99
Shoes: Thrifted $3
PS. I'm thinking of starting this new segment for my YouTube channel where I film all my outfits for that week and put it together. I would still post most of the outfits to the blog, but I thought it would be cool to see a school weeks worth of outfits in a vid. I'm going to film them this week, and if I like how it turns out I'll upload it!
Thanks for Visiting,
Hope to see you soon.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hello everyone. I have an outfit to share with you all today. Yesterday my parents came to visit at school, they took me out to eat and shopping, and I wanted to share what I wore to do all those fun things.
These are my DIY distress shorts. I will be making a video or blog post soon on how I did these.
Cheetah goes with everything, and thought this cheetah belt really made the whole outfit pop.
I just wanted to be casual today, but still cute and stylish. I think these shorts add all the style. The top is cute and comfy perfect for a day like today.
This is my all time favorite cardigan. I wear it all the time! It's from Urban Outfitters and comes in numerous different colors. At first I thought it was a little expensive, but for the amount of times I worn it it was defiantly a good value. Cardigan.
 Outfit Details
Top: H&M
Cardigan: Urban Outfitters
Shorts: Goodwill $1.49
Shoes: Thrifted $3
Thanks for visiting,
Hope to see you soon!
Happy Styling.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Top 5 Back to School Essentials.

Guys. I am already moved in and back to school. Although I don't start classes for another week, I know now is the time most of you are back to school shopping. I made a list of my top 5 essentials for back to school and where you can find them at reasonable prices.

1. Stock up on the basics. Weather you wear cami's under everything, you like to layer with T's and long sleeves, or you need some new accessories to spice up your old clothes, now is the time to buy lots.

Cami's: Forever 21 has lots of cami's in numerous colors as well as the basic nude, black, and white. Another place to look is Aeropostale; they always have a surplus of cami's in every color popular for the season as well as basic neutrals.

T-Shirts: Again Forever 21 is the place to go for comfortable, cute basic shirts that work perfect for layering. I also wear Hanes men's t-shirts a lot. They can also be used for layering and are really inexpensive at Wal-Mart.

Long-Sleeves: Forever 21 should again have you covered for long sleeves. I also find really good deals on long sleeves at thrift stores. This isn't a guarantee that you are going to find the color you like, but it's worth a shot.

Accessories: Whenever I make an online purchase, I always look at the sale accessories because you can usually find really inexpensive items that don't make a huge difference when ordering. My favorite online store to do that with is Urban Outfitters; they can have some crazy good sales. Another place always to look too is thrift stores. They always have weird, one of a kind jewelry.

2. Cardigans. Cardigans are the most worn piece in my closet. They are perfect for back to school in the fall and spring because you can just layer them over t's and tanks, and in the winter you can add a thicker jacket over the cardigan for a cute layered look that's always warm. Plus they are so easy to move in.

My go to place for cardigan would def. be H&M. They are so comfortable and only $19.95, and they come in all the basic colors that one would need. Another favorite cardigan of mine came from Urban Outfitters it was a little pricey at $39, but it is my most worn cardigan. But just about every store that you shop at now should have cardigans.

3. Hot new pair of shoes. It is my personal belief that everyone needs to get at least one new pair of shoes for back to school. This year I think ankle boots will be really popular. They are boots with a low chunky heel that hit at your ankle. Wear them with jeans tucked in or skirts/dresses with tights for fall and winter.

I bought a pair on sale at the beginning of summer at Baker's for $60. I have also seen them at Kohl's, and if your signed up for their coupons you could get a good deal or my friend bought 2 pairs from Target this season.

4. Jeans. Jeans are perfect for school because they are so comfortable, they go with everything, and they can be dressed up or down. This year in particular high-waisted jeans are in. 

My favorite places to get jeans for back to school are Abercrombie & Fitch; they had a major sale on jeans when I went B2S shopping and I scored a pair for only $35. Another favorite store of mine in Levi's, I especially like going to the outlet because they obviously have better prices. This year I bought a pair of high-waisted Levi's on sale for $54.

5. Go with everything jacket. A go with everything jacket would be a jacket that you can wear with literally any outfit. It's in a neutral color and maybe even a size too big in order to fit all the layers in the winter. This year studded denim jackets are in, or an anorak in an olive color.

I chose the studded denim jacket. They can be pretty pricey and/or hard to find so I DIYed mine. It cost me a total of about $12 plus about 2 hours time to put it together. If you want to go for the anorak, I have seen them at Forever 21 for a very reasonable price.

Thanks for visiting,
Hope to see you soon.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Exploring- Vintage Finds

Hello everyone. The other day I went to this ole time village in my town that I have never actually been to before. I brought my camera along just to take a few pictures of everything, but there was a ton of interesting items and places that had to do with fashion I thought you might enjoy.

This was really exciting for me because recently I have been studying fashion throughout the decades because I would really like to get a job at a local vintage store sometime in the future. I also love just about anything vintage. The places I went to dates back to the late 1800's.

I'm going to show you the pics. in the order that I went through the village and give you as much information as I can about each picture.

 Just a random house with a super old coat. I'm sure this is made of some type of real fur.

 Another coat in a little better condition hanging by the bed, again I'm sure this is made out of real fur.

 Just us on a very uncomfortable, but unique looking bench.

This was way cool. It's what they used to take off their shoes. Let me try to explain. It reminds me of a huge bug with antenna's, so that's what I'm going to use to try to explain in. See the body of the bug is what they put one foot on while they put the other foot's heel in the antenna's and slipped the shoe right off. Does that make sense?

 Just some old irons that are made of iron. They had to heat them up on the stove to get them hot before ironing.

 A washing machine. To be honest I'm not really sure how this works. If you do know leave a comment down below; I would be interested in hearing about it.

 A hat hanger right by the front entrance. I'm more fascinated with the hats on it; I adore vintage hats.

These aren't original, but they did have beautiful lace curtains in the house back when they lived in it.

 These shoes were just in a glass case randomly placed with other random things. I went to a dress store later where you'll see more shoes so keep scrolling.

 A beauty salon.

 The other side of the beauty salon. We weren't allowed to go in here so these are the best shots I could get from the doorway.

 A conductor uniform in a very brightly painted train. The outside of the train was red.

 This is the dress shop and my favorite building to visit!

 SHOEEESSS! What is more fabulous than shoes...

...Maybe hats. I think we should bring back hats. If we all start wearing hats than everyone around the world will again. Who's with me?

 More hats; my favorite is the pink one!

 This I found very cool.

Vintage beaded purse.

My exploration has ended.
I hope you enjoyed this post,
See you soon.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

DIY DAY! Studs

Yesterday my friend came over after work and we have a DIY day. She needed to take in an amazing Pink Floyd bowling shirt, and I needed to finished studding the shoulder on my denim jacket. I as going to film my DIY, but I decided there were already plenty videos of how-to stud. I thought you would enjoy pictures just as much.

Denim Jacket. I thrifted mine from Goodwill for $4.99.

Studs. I ordered 400 studs from for only $20 because I know I will be doing more projects soon. The specific studs I used for my jacket cost $5 for 100 of them. I used a total of about 90 to do both shoulders.

And last a knife or something similar to push the prongs on the studs down. This butter knife worked really well.

 1. Place the stud on your jacket where you want, and push in. Flip to the underside of the denim to make sure both prongs are in all the way.

 2. Use your knife to push both of the prongs down. I tried to push them in so they almost looked like they were going into the fabric (I hope that makes sense).

3. Place more studs where ever you feel necessary. There are endless possible designs. You could completely stud a shoulder or space it out like I did. You could stud the back panel. I say whatever is your style go for it!

To stud both of the shoulder it took me about 2 hours total. The total cost of this was about $12. I think it was totally worth it. I already have numerous outfits this would work with; I think it's going to be my go-to jacket this fall!

Meghan, aka my DIY buddy, brought her Pink Floyd bowling shirt she scored at a thrift store to take in because it was a little big. She also cut off the sleeves to make it a tank/vest. Here's a few pics of her doing her thang!

Thanks for visiting,
Hope you enjoyed this
and let me know if your going to try this!

Look for more DIY's coming soon.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thrift Tips 002- Buying Shorts

Hello, hello everyone. I was very inspired last night to DIY my shorts from Goodwill. I stayed up til 12:30am to finish them and now I absolutely love them! Making the shorts inspired me to post a blog about how to find shorts at thrift stores. I have had people ask me to help them find shorts at thrift stores as well as had a hard time searching and finding shorts that fit me at thrift stores especially high-waisted ones.
These are my favorite shorts from Goodwill. They are Calvin Klein's and I only paid $1.49 for them.
I just DIYed them last night, and plan to do more shorts like this, so be on the lookout for a video on how to distress shorts.
Tip: Ignore all sizes.
It's weird and you never want to look in sizes higher than what you are. Trust me, sometimes if I think I have to go up a size I don't even want that item anymore. But at thrift stores a lot of the pieces especially shorts are vintage meaning they are from years and years ago, and years and years ago their sizing was different. That being said just try to ignore what size you are looking in, and go through them all. You never know what might fit, and some shorts might be misplaced or mis-sized.
Personal Example:  
I am a size 6 or 8 (jeans) in normal stores (A&F, American Eagle), but the Calvin Klein high-waisted shorts I bought at Goodwill are a size 11 (pictured above).
Tip: Try on everything you think might fit.
To find the perfect fitting shorts at a thrift store especially high-waisted ones you are going to need to try on about a bazillion pairs to find one that is perfect. In my opinion, though, that is what makes thrifting so much fun; it's like finding buried treasure.
Personal Example:
One GW shopping trip I tried on literally at least 10 pairs of shorts, and did not find a single one that fit me good or that I liked. Another time I tried on 1 pair I found in the $1.49 bin, and they are my favorite shorts of all time; they fit like a glove (pictured above).

I hope you enjoyed them blog post.
Thanks for visiting,
Hope to see you soon.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Night Out. Outfit.

Blahhhhh. That was an epic fail with trying to blog every night or even every other day. I'm truly sorry. I have been working like everyday and my job isn't very fashionable or glamorous. In fact I wear the same t-shirt every day (well I have 4 different ones). I work at a pool all day so my morning routine consists of me showering and throwing my hair up in a messy bun.

With that being said, I have another outfit for you all that was from when I was away at college. I never found a time to upload it then so I'm doing it now. It's more of an outfit for fall or at night when it's cooler out, but I thought you might it inspiring because of the different layers when your back to school shopping!

Here it is, and I hope you enjoy...

Outfit Details
Tank: American Eagle
Sparkle Vest: Wet Seal
Cardigan: American Eagle
Jeans: Abercrombie & Fitch
Boots: Payless

Thanks for visiting,
Hope to see you soon.