Thursday, February 9, 2012

Outfit of the Day...

Here's my outfit, which is actucally from Monday, but it's been a very busy week.
Hope you enjoy.

Polka dots are very trendy right now, which is why I decided to wear this fab shirt I picked up at a thrift store a couple months ago. It's just a plain blue short sleeve button up, and let me say that it is very comfortable (I was never a huge fan of shirts like this before).

Since it was a blue top I thought pairing it with white jeans would make the top stand out a more, which is what I wanted the main focus of my outfit to be. I did tuck the shirt into my pants because otherwise it looked too frumpy. I have learned that tucking shirts in can give them a whole new look. Oh and another piece of advice with short sleeve shirts to make them look more stylish I suggest rolling up the sleeves once or twice.

I know that the red, white, and blue might look a little patriotic, but I thought it went well because it gave me a vintage vibe, and I'm very much obsessed with everything vintage. I was going to wear the new hat that I had just bought from JCPenny but I left it in my car in the morning, and since I didn't wear it all day it wouldn't be fair to put it in the blog. I'm going to try to plan an outfit with the hat this weekend; make sure to watch for it.

Outfit Details:
Polka dot top- Thrifted
Jeans- Abercrombie & Fitch
Cardigan- Urban Outfitters
Flats- Target

Tomorrow: OUTFIT!


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