Sunday, July 29, 2012


Hello again. This past week I had a few days off work so I decided I should do something fun, and what is more fun than a zoo? Nothing.

My boyfriend and I went, and we got there late so we had to quick run though the zoo and see all the animals before it closed. Then we went downtown shopping, and to my favorite place in the whole world. Ella's Deli!

I took a ton of pictures throughout the day, I will just let them do the talking this time.

The lion's were starting to fight/play.

I would have to say monkeys are probably my favorite animal to see at the zoo.
My second favorite are penguins, BUT they weren't outside when we went. It was very sad.

It was so cool to see him with his feathers out. One of the most beautiful things ever.

I can't believe how long their feathers are when they are folded down, it's like one really long tail they drag around all day.

At Ella's Deli. The best place in the world. I ordered matzo ball chicken noodle soup, and a 3 scoop banana slip sundae with marsh mellow and hot fudge topping. To say the least it was delicious.

Outfit Details
Hat: Pacsun
Sunnies: Urban Outfitters
Top: H&M
Purse: H&M
Shorts: H&M
Shoes: Thrifted $3

Thanks for visiting
See you soon.

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