Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So I know I havn't been posting much lately, and I really have no excuse besides the fact that I've just been lazy. But I just got a new haircut and I wanted to share it, and share some tips about how to get a good hair cut.

I don't really have a before picture to show you other than old pictures from outfits of the day. I got about three inches off, and a new style to my bangs. I let my hair grow out for awhile because I knew I wanted something different with it. When it finally got to the point where I just couldn't stand it anymore I made a haircut appointment. A couple weeks before my haircut I cut out pictures from magazines or printed them off the internet of hair syles that I liked. I used chictopia.com to get inspiration rather than just googling pictures because the people on there are stylish and real people rather than celebrities.

Another tip would be to talk to your stylist and make sure she knows exactly what you want. I told her to take about three inches to start because I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted, and remember you can always go shorter. I also always tend to hate my bangs when I get them cut because I think I want shorter bangs but I just don't like them when they get cut so I made sure she knew that I wanted them to be longer this time.

My last tip would be don't be afraid to say at the end if you really like it or if you want them to change something about it. You want to get your moneys worth because haircuts can be expensive. If in the day couple of days you don't like make another appointment; they can help fix what you don't like. If you make the appointment within a couple of days after your first one they usually won't charge you if it's just a touch up to something you didn't like.

P.S. I'm sorry I don't have a full outfit picture, but my jacket is from Forever 21 and my necklace is from Express. I just wore it with a black tank underneath, dark skinny jeans, and cheetah wedges. I will be posting more so be sure to check back.


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