Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fedora Love

Just got back for a bonfire with some of my friends and I wanted to show off my new fedora (well I got it in December, but it's the first time I actucally wore it) I was wearing it with a black crochet back tank, a salmon colored scarf, and jeans; I wanted to keep the rest of the outfit simple. I would also like to inform you that it wasn't very hard to pull it off you just need a little confidence and I think that anyone could rock a fedora especially in the summer...

Fedora- Pacsun
Scarf- JCPenny
Tank- Express
Jeans- Buckle
Earrings- Kohls

Hope you enjoyed this blog, leave comments or email me at raesstyle@yahoo.com.
P.S. Fedoras are a very good way to hide a bad hair day, just throw it in a low messy bun, put the fedora on and your set.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Graduation Parties

today my friend meghan and i went to some grad parties so ill post the pictures so you can see all the outfits of the day...

at our first graduation party
meg, me, john, steven

second graduation party
hannah, me

third grad party
me, amber, meghan
i loveeeeeeed ambers hair! it was all curled and instead of making it a side pony she just pinned it to the side in the back with a few bobbi pins

this is my friend meghan (check out her blog- tunes)
i adore her rebellious style, its so relaxed yet very in style
rebels are always in style

this is my wonderful boyfriend and i (at the first grad party), his shirt was a little innapropiate

my outfit details:
jacket- Kohls
floral shirt- Kohls
Shorts- Hollister
Shoes- Aldo

thanks for reading, i hoped you enjoyed it, and let me know what you think or if you have any questions by leaving a comment or emailing me at raesstyle@yahoo.com

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Easy Fix

My friend Meghan asked me to take in a jacket she had bought from a thrift store because it was just a smidge too big, soooooo I'm going to show you step by step how I did it...

Above are the before pictures, for her it was mainly just baggy in the bottom and in the back espically. The first thing I had her do was to just put the jacket on inside out, so it was be easier for me to pin it, but I could still see the shape of the jacket on her.

All you need in one pin on the bottom of both sides, then you can take it off. After just make sure to measure from the original seam to the pin to make sure the pins are evenly spaced on both sides or the it might look lopsided. I did Meghans' an inch from the side seam to the pin on both sides.

With the pins still in the jacket start sewing! I started at the original seam of the jacket right where the arm pit is and then went downward (toward the pin and it looked like a diagonal seam). Also put your sewing machine on a loose stitch in case its too tight or too loose it will be easy to remove and redo.

Sorry its a little blurry

Once you have the preview stitch in, try it on if you need to make adjustment make sure to do it again with the loose stitch just in case, but if it fits perfect then you can stitch over your first seam with a tigher stitch so it stays. Since I got my tigher stitch almost exactly in line with the loose one I didn't bother to remove it.
Loose Stitch
Tight stitch over loose stitch

Now we are all done! I hoped you enjoyed this blog and let me know if you liked it by commenting or emailing me at raesstyle@yahoo.com. Just a side note this process works on anything, it doesn't have to be a jacket you could take almost anything. Remember though we didn't do anything to make the sleeves or the shoulders smaller just the bottom tighter and part of the back and be patient with sewing it takes practice.

These what the final outcome was of the jacket and the seam from the outside...